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Bhoolega? Chalega!

ScooDel to the Rescue!

At your service and your doorstep, or anywhere you like. ScooDel is here with state of the art intra-city transport and delivery solutions.


Hyper Local Delivery

We pickup and delivery your packages


Bike Taxi

We pickup and drop Humans as well


Sustainable Ecosystem

Making a sustainable ecosystem For the People by the People

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Why Choose Us

Superfast, super easy, super safe! What else do we need?

We, at ScooDel, are indulged in developing as well as providing high-end solutions in segments of bike ride taxis and same day courier. Join us and experience the ease of intra city travel and last mile delivery.

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Hyper local delivery

Last mile delivery as an idea along with efficiently developed high-tech solutions is very much capable of providing satisfactory services. At ScooDel, a team of dedicated experts is operating around the clock to present the user with a worthwhile experience using our fast courier services in India. ScooDel offers a hassle free solution for daily intra city deliveries. Home to home delivery, final mile delivery, same day delivery or even a tiffin box from your home, ScooDel has got it all covered in 3 simple steps. We, as a team, are determined to offer the latest and most compatible delivery solutions in order to ensure our growth as one of the top logistics companies offering the best courier service in India.

Bike taxis

Shared riding and bike transportation, also known as bike taxis, are being identified as a viable segment for multiple businesses to contribute towards. Bike transportation can be listed amongst some of the fastest and quickest modes of transportation in India. ScooDel, as a digital platform, offers trouble-free travel & commute solutions to individuals by the mode of bike transportation. Intra City transportations are being best managed by ScooDel with an adequate utilisation of bike taxis. A safe and quick journey is all you need to be at the right place at the right time, and that’s exactly what ScooDel is for.

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Email Address

Office Location

Udaipur, Rajasthan

Phone Number

+91 8302954100

Social Media

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Take your deliveries on another level with ScooDel autopilot

ScooDel envisions a tomorrow with the utmost sense of ease amongst individuals. A future with the trust of companionship, of being looked after, of freedom and facility - all with the simplest tap of a finger. We, at ScooDel are constantly indulged in developing user friendly prospects to enable our dear customers to focus on major responsibilities rather than being trapped alongside trivial miseries of daily life. ScooDel focuses on leaving no road unreachable with extensive final mile and bike ride taxi services. Our vision is our practice - to have you covered!